Ok, I've had time to recover (kind of) and am planning a small flower garden for Bella. I'll spread her ashes there in the spring time.
Lately I have really been into hiking and nature and the whole getting lost in the woods feeling. I went to Fall Creek Falls last weekend and stood atop Buzzard's Roost with my family. My sister and I did yoga up there, and it was fantastic. You wouldn't believe how relaxing it was...which is odd since it's on a cliff...a leg spasm could send you plummeting to your death. 0.0;
And am I the only one who is sick of hearing about New Moon? Honestly, you'd think it's the only movie that's out! Oi.
Hmmm..what else to tell you?
I'm transferring schools and majoring in Dance. I know, right? Huge change...but I'll still be working on stop motion in my spare time, no worries. :)
I'm going to take lessons at the Nashville Ballet sometime soon, and get myself back in shape (I have lost a lot of flexibility in the last two years). I am quiiiiite excited about it...you have no idea how much I've missed dancing. :(
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Rest in Peace, Bella
I adopted her last year in June, and she had been abused. She was blind in one eye and had some neurological problems, but after I had her for a few months you really couldn't tell anything was wrong with her. She sat around more than the average kitty, but overall she was normal. Two weeks ago the fleas got the best of her, and I took her to the emergency room. She had become anemic, and they gave her a magic pill that killed all the fleas on her within five minutes. She was discharged, and I promptly came home, bombed the house (w/out the kitties in it of course), and everything was good. Last week she had a total relapse, and was just incredibly lethargic and puny. I took her to my vet who told me that her electrolyte levels were off, and her sodium count was extremely high which was causing dehydration and flaring up her neurological symptoms. He asked me to keep her there for a few days to get things back to normal and send her back home.
The next morning, I went up there to see her, and the vet comes out and tells me she didn't make it through the night....I was completely caught off guard. They told me the night before on the phone that she was doing better. They left her there all alone during the night. Had I known that there wouldn't be anyone there I could have taken her home with me so that if something did happen I could take her back to the emergency room. But no. She died in a little metal cage, scared and alone.
My baby is gone forever, and they couldn't even tell me why or how it even happened. No longer will she wake me up in the morning, and nuzzle my nose asking for breakfast, or come running every time she hears Paula Dean the Butter Queen on the TV. I'll never get to pet her again...I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye...they just snatched her up and took her...
I'm having her cremated. This spring I'm making a flower garden for her, and spreading her ashes there where she can always watch the butterflies and listen to the birds sing.
The next morning, I went up there to see her, and the vet comes out and tells me she didn't make it through the night....I was completely caught off guard. They told me the night before on the phone that she was doing better. They left her there all alone during the night. Had I known that there wouldn't be anyone there I could have taken her home with me so that if something did happen I could take her back to the emergency room. But no. She died in a little metal cage, scared and alone.
My baby is gone forever, and they couldn't even tell me why or how it even happened. No longer will she wake me up in the morning, and nuzzle my nose asking for breakfast, or come running every time she hears Paula Dean the Butter Queen on the TV. I'll never get to pet her again...I didn't even get to say a proper goodbye...they just snatched her up and took her...
I'm having her cremated. This spring I'm making a flower garden for her, and spreading her ashes there where she can always watch the butterflies and listen to the birds sing.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
the foulest stench is in the air, the funk of thirty thousand years!

I looove Halloween. :)
Also, I have some armature fixin's and some clay. There is a puppet in my future! I need a drill...perhaps I'll borrow one from the boyfriend, yes? I've decided to do a few experimental animations before I get started on the short I had planned. Just to get a feel for everything, you know? I'm pretty excited about it, and it'll make me feel like I'm being productive. Always good, right? They'll just be really short things like sitting around a fire, a lady feeding the birds, a guy playing a harp. Stuff like that. Then I won't feel really overwhelmed with it all, and I'll get a lot of practice in. ^^
Tomorrow I get to paint my sister's new room (she's moving back here!), which is seriously inconvenient, but whatever. I need to be finishing up my homework for the week - by the by...I got an A on my art history exam!!! It'll be quite interesting to see how this month works out what with school, working, nanowrimo, stop motion, and my sister moving home...hectic, much? That's ok, I'll enjoy it all. :D
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